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B.Sc. Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)

Padmashree Institute of Nursing, affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, prepares students to practice in all health care settings. The study program blends nursing theory and practice with general education in humanities, behavioral, biological, and physical sciences. These serve as a foundation for the development of the nursing major.

BSc Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) is a 4 year undergraduate degree program that prepares students to work as registered nurses in various health sectors. The program covers a variety of subjects, including psychology,,  pharmacology,  physiology, psychology, nutrition, anatomy and microbiology. Students also gain practical experience through clinical trainings in hospitals and other healthcare institutions. 

BSc Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) is a 4 year undergraduate degree program that prepares students to work as registered nurses in various health sectors.

Padmashree Institute of Nursing, affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, prepares students to practice in all health care settings. The study program blends nursing theory and practice with general education in humanities, behavioral, biological, and physical sciences. These serve as a foundation for the development of the nursing major.
Recognition & Accreditation

Government of Karnataka, Indian Nursing Council (INC), Karnataka Nursing Council (KNC)

Career Areas

Medical Colleges and Universities Medicine Industry Military Hospitals Nursing Homes Healthcare Centers

Eligibility Criteria

Shall have passed two years Pre University examination conducted by Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka State, with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually and must have obtained a minimum of not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English (PCBE) taken together in the qualifying examination. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together in qualifying examination is not less than 40% instead of 50% as above. or Shall have passed any other examination conducted by Boards /Councils/ Intermediate Education established by State Governments/ Central Government and recognized as equivalent to two year Pre University examination by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences/Association of Indian Universities (AIU), with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects and the candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually and must have obtained a minimum of not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together in the qualifying examination. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together in qualifying examination be not less than 40% instead of 50% as above or In case of candidates from the stream of Vocational Higher Secondary Course conducted by the Board of Vocational Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, the candidate shall have taken a minimum of 5 (five) subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English in addition to the vocational subject (vide RGUHS Notification No. RGUHS/SEF/EC.B.Sc.Nsg/191/2005-06 dated 18.05.2006.) and shall have passed the said examination in all the subjects individually and shall have obtained a minimum of not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together in the qualifying examination. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together in the qualifying examination is not less than 40% instead of 50% as above. The candidate should have completed 17 years on or before 31st day of December of the year of admission. Candidate shall be medically fit.

Career Prospectus

BSc Nursing are qualified to work as registered nurses in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, multilevel care facilities, community agencies ( home care, public health) as well as psychiatric or mental health. There is ample opportunity for the fresh graduates to start their carrier in the teaching profession which will help them to specialize themselves in future Master program. Students can go for their Masters programs as well as for Ph.D programs. They can become public health nurses/health worker in government and private clinics and health departments in urban and rural areas to provide basic medical services to the local population. They have also many scopes in teaching fields such as Assistant Lecturer/Clinical Instructor.

Higher Studies

Pursue M.Sc. Nursing


4 Years

Fees structure



Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

Academic System
